Thursday, August 12, 2004

Bloggie Style

Time for another bloggie check in. More folks retiring from work here - this year will be really interesting with all of the changes. Next year will be, too, with all the new hirees...

I hope the girls make it home ok - their mom is getting a late start and she was dreading the flight(s) across the country. Time to go to town and get ready for their arrival - shopping, cleaning, napping, etc.

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Building my Bloggie

Another ho hum entry into my blog. I'm working out some field trip issues, planning for 4 days in and around Tahoe. It should be fun. I'll try to head out later this afternoon or evening to recon for tomorrow. Maybe I'll shine it on and wing it. I'm feeling so unmotivated right now... C'est la vie, eh? Nothing like procrastinating to build enough stress to then actually get things done! Mas spater...

Tuesday, August 10, 2004


Home from Hawaii and I'm catching up with all the chores. I'm off to do some field recon for the Tahoe/Nevada trip. I'll round up some road logs and see what I can come up with. I'd like to get in some hiking for a couple of the days to get some exercise in while on the trip.

It took a day to recover from jet lag coming home. I took the red eye back and got in to SF at 5:01 am, then had to drive 2.5 hours to get home to Cola. I slept a lot yesterday!

I miss CJ and TK! I also called to check on BixurBoy and he's doing fine - in good hands with Kathy and Mike. They love him. I bought CJ and TK some T-shirts and boxes of the best candy on the planet from the famous Hilo Candy Factory. I remember going there while visiting MaryAnn. It'll be good to see the girls again.